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Agriculture & Environment

Tentamus LAB offers a wide range of analytical services linked to the preservation of the environment. We guarantee our technical expertise in the agriculture sector. We provide a fast and effective reply throughout the entire cultivation process.

Tentamus LAB is accredited for the implementation of several environmental analyses of water, soil, residues, atmosphere, sediments and biota. We also design environmental monitoring programs (sampling and on-site measures of parameters of interest), regulatory inspections of waters and we offer procedures and consultations to the environmental administration.

Besides, we implement biosecurity and hygiene controls in different environments in order to guarantee the suitable conditions of the facilities.

Lab-Services analytics


Water analysis

 Drinking water
 Urban/Industrial wastewater
 Surface and superficial groundwater


 Irrigation Water Analysis: Irrigation water quality affects crop production to a large extent. For this reason, it is essential to make an analysis to determine its suitability. LAB performs the control of physical-chemical and microbiological parameters:
· Physical-chemical parameters: pH, CE, macro and micro-nutrients, etc.
· Microbiological parameters: Total Coliforms, E.coli, Salmonella, etc.

Analysis of Soil, Foliar and Residues

Analysis of Agricultural Soil:  This analysis will be very useful to assess soil fertility and productive capacity and to define the nutrients’ dose to be applied.

Foliar Analysis: Through this analysis, we carry out an exhaustive monitoring during the most relevant stages in the growth of the plant. We identify the number of nutrients soaked. This is the best strategy to identify the crops’ deficiencies.

  Sewage System Plant Mud


  Contaminated Soils

 Beaches (sand)

  Characterization of residues for admission in sewage treatment plants

Fertilizer Analysis (compost and manure): This analysis determines the agronomic efficiency of products applied to plant nutrition, as well as the absence of negative effects on the environment through the use of these products.

Analysis of Phytosanitary Products: We analyze the efficiency of products aimed at controlling the proliferation of bacteria and other ways of animal/vegetal life, as well as the effects of these products on human health and agriculture.

Analysis of unchanneled emissions to the atmosphere
* LAB does not have sampling equipment yet.

Analysis of Sediments and Biota

  Subaquatic Sediments
  Biological Samples


  Contaminants included in the EU Priority List (Directive 2008/105/CE)
  Heavy Metals
  Plaguicides, Herbicides, Rodenticides
  PAHs, PCBs
  Phenols, Organostannics, Organobromines
  Volatile Compounds (BTEXs, THMs, …)
  Microbiological Contaminants
  Specific Industrial Spillage Compounds
  Control of sewage and purification processes: DQO, DBO5, suspended solids, surfactants, etc.
 Control of desalination process, pH, CE, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, etc.
  Control of drinking water, with regards to all parameters from Spanish regulations RD 140/2003.
  Analysis of metals in waters, sediments, biota, sewage sludge, residues.
  Agronomic analyses in waters, soils and foliar.


  Emerging Contaminants: Drugs, Veterinary Residues, Drugs of Abuse…
  Plaguicides and Other Contaminants Metabolites and Transformation Products
  Identification of New Transformation Products and other “Unknown Compounds”
  Chemical Indexes under the Water Framework Directive
  Piezometric Level Testing
  Other Tests upon Client’s Request

Consultancy and Training

LAB´s  staff is strongly qualified to carry out studies and reports in the agricultural sector upon client’s request, such as:

 Agronomic interpretation reports of water, soil and leaf.

LAB handles a wide report in which we give advice and provide solutions to the problems found after the analysis.

 Testing in Agricultural Experimental Stations

 Studies of Farmer Exposure to Phytosanitary Products

 Other studies

Agriculture & Environment – Most important types of samples

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