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The Company


 To consolidate as a company internationally acknowledged for its quality, professionality and promptness of action.

To offer our clients quality services giving a prompt and reliable response which goes beyond the merely demanded by the regulations and to provide the best practices that bolster the progress of society.



To promote the continuous improvement of our products and services proactively, in order to achieve our clients’ satisfaction through the compliance of the legal, normative and customers’ requirements, quality and innovation principles, and the compromise with the environment, through the implementation of the required regulations to use all resources efficiently, prevent pollution, reduce residues to its minimum and the environmental impact derived to each process.


Tentamus LAB is committed to the development of policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, and that avoid any type of direct or indirect discrimination based on sex. We promote and encourage measures to ensure that equality is real and effective within our organisation, establishing equal opportunities between women and men as a strategic principle of our business policy, in accordance with the definition of this principle established in Organic Law 3/2007, of 22 March, for effective equality between women and men.

All of this is put into practice through the implementation of an Equality Plan that represents an improvement in our management system and the guarantee of having an internal structure free of discrimination on the grounds of sex. In this way, we also want to contribute to the progress towards a society in which equality is firm, real and effective.

We bet on innovation and continuous training

Juan Ramírez

Mª Elena Hernández
Deputy Manager and Technical Director

María del Mar Martín
Quality Manager

Laura Díaz
Director Physical-Chemical Area

Rosario Santiago
Director Chromatography Area

Encarnación García
Director Microbiology Area

Ángela Mena 

Dpto. Comercial
Andalucía – Murcia – Extremadura  

671 677 803

Francisco Carmona

Dpto. Comercial
Andalucía – Portugal – Aragón – Cataluña
                     671 059 374  

Fayna Suárez

Dpto. Comercial
Internacional | España: Canarias, Castilla y León, Madrid y Cornisa Cantábrica

647 328 574

Eva Monzó

Dpto. Comercial
Comunidad Valenciana

647 328 574

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